Methods for preparing coffee
- Oriental coffee is brewed in so-called cezva. Various spices such as cinnamon or cardamom can be used during the preparation.

- American coffee filter “Dripper”. The majority of domestic coffee machines operate on the “gravity” principle: hot water drips on funnel with the filter where ground coffee placed.
- A French press is a special flask (usually glass or metal thermos) in which the plunger separates the coffee grounds from the beverage.
- Brewing in a geyser coffee maker (Neapolitan flip coffee pot), the Neapolitan coffee. The geyser coffee maker conventionally consists of three sections: the bottom section filled with water, the middle section contains the ground coffee, and the top section, where the ready beverage appears after a certain time.
- Espresso is brewed in special espresso machine inside which water heated to a temperature of 88-91 ° C is forced under pressure through finely ground coffee. There is method of espresso preparation in coffee machine operating on technology E.S.E. (easy serving espresso), which use special disposable bags (coffee pods) containing already metered exact portion of ground grains for single-cup of the finished beverage.
Beverages commonly based on espresso:
- Café glace (from French. glacé - frozen) – coffee with ice cream.
- Cappuccino – coffee with milk and lush steamed-milk foam (“the hood”).
- Latte macchiato - unmixed cappuccino, where milk (3 fourths), milk foam and coffee (one fourth) lie in layers. The beverage is served in a tall glass for latte with the volume of 300 ml.
- Mocha - commonly referred to as the coffee with added chocolate, or sometimes The Oriental coffee. Furthermore mocha is the main sort of coffee which features a chocolate aftertaste.
- Ristretto - the most concentrated, the strongest and most invigorating coffee, brewed in a smaller than espresso volume (7 grams of coffee for 15-20 ml of water). Contrary to popular belief, ristretto contains not too much caffeine. In fact, there are essential oils that get to ristretto in the first 15 seconds of coffee extraction, creating a rich taste and aroma, whereas caffeine starts actively separate later on. That is why the portion of ristretto contains even less caffeine than the portion of espresso. The beverage is usually served in espresso cup (or special miniature cup without handles), along with a glass of cold drinking water. It is customary to take a few sips of water before taking the first sip of ristretto. Water prevents dehydration, cleans the taste receptors and reveals new flavor notes in every sip. As a rule the portion of ristretto intended just for one or two sips, so the Italians normally drink ristretto standing at the bar. Adding sugar to ristretto considered to be a sign of bad taste.